Holidays Leader's Guide Song Demo

Super Silly Tree Animal song for Tu B’shevat with Kids

This silly Tree Animals song for kids was born out of spontaneous play. 

My toddlers probably should get credit for this Tu Bishvat tune which works great in preschool, religious school, and caregiver/child music classes.

I like to use puppets (since I have them handy) but you can use any type of visual prop. You can also use these printable cards I made! We also use them to play memory and matching games, too.

I accidentally learned a LOT about tree animals as I prepared this post- fascinating stuff, too!

You may want to read up about Animals That Live in Trees (and how they’ve adapted to survive) especially if you have trouble identifying some of the animals in the free printable prop. (To be honest, I didn’t know about the tree-dwelling kangaroo or porcupine).

Tree Animals Song For Kids Tu Bishvat song lyrics:

Note: This is a zipper song, so you can fill in the blanks with any type of animal you like!

Who do you know, who do you know who might live in a tree?
There are so many different kinds of tree home families!

This animal is a ______ (name an animal)
and it makes this kind of sound ______ (imitate the animal’s sound)
and when the ______  (repeat animal name)
moves, here is how they move around (demonstrate movement) 

* Critical component: Sing this until everyone joins you to re-establish order after the kids are excited from moving around after each verse.

Looking for more fun, simple songs for Tu Bishvat with kids, babies, or toddlers? Check out my Happy Birthday, Trees! tapping stick song.

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