You got this. I can help.
Facilitate meaningful learning. Share joyful Judaism. Engage families. Nurture relationships.

Consulting services aim to ensure sustained engagement.

Dr. Aronoff’s unique experience and expertise in distinct but related areas gives her a uniquely informed insight regarding the engagement of an intergenerational audience in Jewish community.

Each goal oriented consulting package is customized to match the specific needs of the client. Consulting Packages include a combination of elements that may include:

Phase א

Explore the experience & perspective of your current (and/or potential) community members. Audit and assess resources, ongoing efforts, community norms, and digital reputation.

Phase ב

Identify, describe, then articulate measurable goals and benchmarks. Clarify the roles, responsibilities, and decision making rights of the diverse individuals involved in family engagement.

Phase ג

Consultant facilitates implementation of the program/s and/or strategic plan as a facilitator, co-leader, or participant observer. This step aims to encourage responsive & reflective scaffolding.

Phase ד

Specific participatory action research strategies are prescribes in a summative report that includes the 'goals, benchmarks, implications from the insights gathered and a literature review.

Consulting Clients

Let's Connect!

High-performing leaders take next steps. 

Send me a message describing a challenge you are interested in discussing- the first consultation is offered at no cost.