Fanatic learner. Devoted educator. Lover of data. Mom³. Elder Millennial. Optimistic teller of cautionary tales.

Dr. Emily Aronoff is an educator, researcher, & creator dedicated to increasing and improving the ways communities educate and engage children, families, and joyful Judaism. Her work focuses towards creating meaningful, memorable moments that foster relationships, nurture learning, and encourage harmony.
She designs, facilitates, and evaluates experiences that graciously invite people to meaningfully engage with themselves, the ones they love, their community, and/or humanity (something bigger than any one of us). Her careful attention to environmental design and deep respect for the beauty of cognitive diversity demands a rigorous intentionality – a strategy that amplifies impact. Her compositions have been featured by PJ Library, Behrman House, Transcontinental Music, her music shared in classrooms and congregations worldwide.
Her work has been published by The Jewish Educator, The Journal of Jewish Music, Kveller, RJBlog, ScaryMommy, and more. When ‘Miss Emily’ became a mother, she launched Jewish Family JamsTM, a music & movement program for children 0-3 year and their grown-ups.
Dr. Aronoff lives in South Florida and is the proud mother of three brilliant researchers, ages 4, 6, and 7.
The Journey

Born to an interfaith family in Marietta, GA.

Emily discovers immense joy in Judaism when an enthusiastic rabbi throws himself off of a makeshift bima in a cartwheel during a service in order to engage her as a toddler.

Emily is a nerdy, sensitive kid who loves language, Torah, parmesan cheese, Camp Coleman, making music, and learning.

Camp Coleman Summers- Camper, Counselor, Songleader
NFTY Regional Board Leadership and Kutz Camp Summers
Graduated High School, Started College @Brandeis

Spent 7 months living on Kibbutz Hatzerim, studying in Hebrew in Ulpan and working in the tinokiyah (baby nursery). Discovered my admiration and affection for infants.
Return to Brandeis. Struggle. Drop out.

Procure part time Preschool Teaching job at the Boynton Beach Community Center (with no idea I’d spend a decade learning and teaching there).

Rabbi Anthony Fratello, who had a 3 year old in the school at the time- introduces himself and asks if I’ve ever heard about ‘Tot Shabbat’. We begin co-leading services for young children & families at Temple Shaarei Shalom. It is the start of something very good.
Bachelor of Arts: Jewish Studies

Recorded and Produced first CD, For Shabbat!
Awarded the Grinspoon-Steinhardt Award for Excellence in Jewish Education

Discovers passion for facilitating professional development & participation in professional conferences. Decide I need to go to grad school until clergy might trust my advice.
Master of Education: Curriculum And Instruction

Rosenfeld Legacy Project: Early Childhood Edition was published, co-edited by Dr. Emily Aronoff and Dr. Anita Meinbach.

Became a Mom! Talya Joy

Launched Jewish Family Jams
Awarded Geffen Prize in Contemporary Jewish Studies

I decide to learn all the ways that people ‘Mommy and Me’ (for the record- a terrible label). Complete Certifications

I decide to learn all the ways that people ‘Mommy and Me’ (for the record- a terrible label). Complete Certifications

Launched Shalom Squad

Earned Doctor of Education from Gratz College.

Became a Mom3! Libby Grace

Struggled like the rest of the world. Got laid off. Realized I needed to leave my husband. Grew up a lot. Found my tribe.

Became a single Mom. Launched a new and improved venture, Dr. Emily Celebrates. Ready to rock.

1909 is a non-profit small business incubator, I started working out of their downtown West Palm Beach location and the supportive network deeply impacts my work for the better.

Launched Songleading For Kiddos ! Learn skills and strategies you need to make memories, meaning, and music with children. Whether you are an experienced Cantor, a brand new songleader, an exhausted Rabbi or an enthusiastic educator of any variety, this course is designed for you.

A 6 month program designed to help founders from all background develop their ideas into successful and sustainable businesses.

Complete START: MBA-Level Design-Thinking
& Entrepreneurial Innovation Course
for Faith-Rooted Leaders run by Glean Network: "Glean Network is a growing community of faith-rooted leaders who find themselves at the crossroads of tradition and innovation. We seek to reimagine the role of faith in an ever-changing world that yearns for meaning, belonging, and justice."

Recorded and Released two tree tunes in honor of Tu Bishvat!

Let's Connect!
High-performing leaders take next steps.
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